Monday 18 July 2011

2020 Release Latest Tracking Algorithm - AirWatch

2020 have continued their development of world class video analytics and have released, in July, the latest tracking algorithm which has been development for both security and defence applications. Perfect for tracking vehicles from a UAV/Helicopter the 2020 “Airwatch” software will track a vehicle using a combination of state-of-the-art algorithms that can be implemented at video rate on the 2020 ruggedized processor. Highly effective and efficient, the software will greatly assist operators in monitoring from high altitudes and fixing targets.

The system differentiates itself from other software on the market by being able to maintain a target track through shadows, partial occlusion and with a degraded video signal

Key features include:

  • Real time operation with modest processing power requirements
  • An ability to maintain a track in demanding scenarios
  • Will operate equally well with thermal, near infrared and visible wavebands
  • Our hardware is robust to vibration and shock loading

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Industrial CASE Studentship Awarded to 2020 Imaging

Industrial CASE provides funding for PhD studentships where businesses take the lead in arranging projects with an academic partner of their choice.

2020 are pleased to announce winning one of only nine awards to be given away from a high number of quality entries.

We look forward to providing a PhD student with a first-rate project, challenging research training, and rich student experience.